tracy konane: featured witch & famous student

Who are you, what do you do/offer, and what makes your work magical?

My name is Tracy Konane and I’m an Identity Nurturer for folks who have lost their sense-of-self after years of putting someone else’s emotions and needs first. By cherishing their own personal identity and helping them harness the transformational magic of exquisite self-attention, I guide them towards the inner-confidence and self-love they’ve always been seeking.

I’ve always believed that owning and upholding our own personal identity is one of the most magical, powerful things we can do for ourselves. It’s the one thing we have full say over, that no one can take from us, and the thing that can transform who we are and what we do in our lives.

Who are your soulmate clients and who do you love to work with?

My soulmate clients are quirky, artsy, empathetic & deep souls who have probably felt like misfits most of their lives. They’re fed up with feeling like they have to suppress who they really are inside in order to be seen as good and worthy. They’re exhausted from trying so hard to be the perfect partner. They are enticed by the idea of experiencing what it’s like to (actually) enjoy being themselves and lovingly put themselves first for the first time.

what programs have you taken with me?

Witch & Famous & Launch Potion

How did your social media presence feel before working with me

Before working with Captolia I felt scattered, like I didn’t know what to do. I was trying to come off as a professional coach while at the same time trying to express my creative spirit, and it was like playing two separate roles that didn’t properly fit together. Nothing felt natural. I was playing it safe, trying to do the “right” things, be a “normal” life coach, and thus had less than 300 followers. I knew I had to show up to find my people, but I couldn’t figure out what my genuine showing up would even look like. It felt like putting on a performance that wasn’t me, and so I struggled to get myself to do it.

How does it feel now?

I now have over 12K followers, but the most significant change is that I am able to show up and actually be myself! Things make so much more sense now. I no longer feel like I have to show up as a certain type of coach or put on a performance or a look that isn’t entirely myself in order to get a message out there. I feel like I’m finally able to do what I’m meant to do! (It felt wrong and scary before to just follow my own intuition and desires).

How has your community transformed?

I am now talking to MY people, as opposed to just doing some vague self-improvement content. So many people have come out of the woodwork and thanked me for saying the things I’m saying, how much I’ve helped them, and sharing their own very-relatable struggles. As someone who once felt so alone in her own self-abandonment, codependency, and identity-loss, it feels so uplifting and fulfilling to know that I’m able to express my truth and free others along the way!

What wisdom, guidance or knowledge helped you the most??

Understanding the different archetypes and realizing that I am predominantly The Explorer! In retrospect, I had been trying to emulate more of the Outlaw, Sage, Ruler, Magician (because that’s what I saw modeled in most life coaches)… and something just never felt quite right — too restrictive/forced.

The moment Captolia explained The Explorer, everything clicked. I felt so upheld in how I’ve always secretly felt inside, and it gave me so much more awareness in how to niche down and talk about what I truly always most cared about (discovering and exploring your own identity!).

Now I feel free to be… more free! To follow my own soul, to uphold my own need for constant self-discovery and new ways of self-expression, and to externally express how I think and feel on the inside. I think the most powerful part about working with Captolia is that she helps us see how we can utilize our own personalities and uniqueness to run our business our own way; VS all the noise out there that tells you that you have to fit a certain mold in order to do it right. This sounds cliche but I don’t know how else to better put it: she really does help us to unlock our own magic.

What are your archetypes?

Explorer, Magician, Creator

How have the archetypes impacted and influenced your work/brand/content/life?

All the different iterations of myself that I’ve experienced through the last decades now make so much sense. I had to EXPLORE a lot in order to BE the Explorer. I’ve had to unearth my soul in the process and dedicate my life to exploring its infinite facets, instead of trying so hard to fit the expectations of everyone around me (while tending to my own ‘weird’ needs in secret). It gave me a better understanding of my own innate way of working, which then gave me permission to learn how to do my own thing and create a brand around it.

What are the most notable transformations - that you are most proud of and excited about?

I’ve stopped caring so much about the rules and started just doing what I felt like doing. Kind of like “dopamine-dressing” but for my business. Suddenly inexplicably wanting to use a neon-greenish-yellow for my font? Ok, we’re doing it! Being drawn to bedazzle my initials on a disco-ball bucket? Yup! Wanting to talk in detail about experiences from my past that felt shameful/forbidden up until now? Fuck it, let’s go! And the more I follow my own lead, the more things have worked. Well whaddaya know!

how can people reach you if they’d like to work with you?

I am “tracykonane” on Insta, Tiktok, and Youtube; as well as

anything else?

I always thought that I needed to be like the louder, bolder, more charismatic ones who instantly took direct action and were showered in results, in order to see that it was “working”. As an introvert who tends towards social-anxiety and late-blooming, I quietly took the teachings and sat with it and worked through it on my own time, in my own way. Exactly like in my own line of expertise, it is an identity shift, and it takes a while to transmogrify. But it was the clarity and unconventional inspiration I needed to hold my belief in myself in just the right way for me to grow.


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